Jiaxiang Li 2019-02-14
主要跟留存分析相关, 由三部分组成
defining a cohort is the first step to cohort analysis. (Urbonas 2018)
应该看如何对 behavior 和 size 进行cohort,查询下。 这是让我感兴趣的。
cohort analysis = vanity metrics (Urbonas 2018)
todo vanity metrics 是什么? https://contentmarketinginstitute.com/2017/10/ways-use-vanity-metrics/
因此我们需要定义一些 metrics,常见的有
Customer retention is a very useful metric to understand how many of the all customers are still active. (Urbonas 2018)
热力图参考 Jack Brookes
缺少 对 cohort 图的解读