DOT Cookbook
Graphviz DOT language
- 使用 RMarkdown 的
参数,进行文档拼接。 - 这样拼接以后的笔记方便复习。
- 相关问题提交到 Issue
dot draws directed graphs as hierarchies (Gansner, Koutsofios, and North 2015)
1 constrained ranks
1.1 组成部分
# 构建 frame
text_frame = '{
node [shape=plaintext, fontsize=16];
/* the time-line graph */
past -> 1978 -> 1980 -> 1982 -> 1983 -> 1985 -> 1986 ->
1987 -> 1988 -> 1989 -> 1990 -> "future";
/* ancestor programs */
"Bourne sh"; "make"; "SCCS"; "yacc"; "cron"; "Reiser cpp";
"Cshell"; "emacs"; "build"; "vi"; "<curses>"; "RCS"; "C*";
# 补充 frame,这里插入的是源头的点
text_circle <- '{ rank = same;
"Software IS"; "Configuration Mgt"; "Architecture & Libraries"; "Process";
# 这里插入的中间的节点
text_node <- 'node [shape=box];
{ rank = same; "past"; "SCCS"; "make"; "Bourne sh"; "yacc"; "cron"; }
{ rank = same; 1978; "Reiser cpp"; "Cshell"; }
{ rank = same; 1980; "build"; "emacs"; "vi"; }
{ rank = same; 1982; "RCS"; "<curses>"; "IMX"; "SYNED"; }
{ rank = same; 1983; "ksh"; "IFS"; "TTU"; }
{ rank = same; 1985; "nmake"; "Peggy"; }
{ rank = same; 1986; "C*"; "ncpp"; "ksh-i"; "<curses-i>"; "PG2"; }
{ rank = same; 1987; "Ansi cpp"; "nmake 2.0"; "3D File System"; "fdelta"; "DAG"; "CSAS";}
{ rank = same; 1988; "CIA"; "SBCS"; "ksh-88"; "PEGASUS/PML"; "PAX"; "backtalk"; }
{ rank = same; 1989; "CIA++"; "APP"; "SHIP"; "DataShare"; "ryacc"; "Mosaic"; }
{ rank = same; 1990; "libft"; "CoShell"; "DIA"; "IFS-i"; "kyacc"; "sfio"; "yeast"; "ML-X"; "DOT"; }
{ rank = same; "future"; "Adv. Software Technology"; }
# 补充连接线
text_edge <- ' "PEGASUS/PML" -> "ML-X";
"SCCS" -> "nmake";
"SCCS" -> "3D File System";
"SCCS" -> "RCS";
"make" -> "nmake";
"make" -> "build";
"Bourne sh" -> "Cshell";
"Bourne sh" -> "ksh";
"Reiser cpp" -> "ncpp";
"Cshell" -> "ksh";
"build" -> "nmake 2.0";
"emacs" -> "ksh";
"vi" -> "ksh";
"vi" -> "<curses>";
"IFS" -> "<curses-i>";
"IFS" -> "IFS-i";
"IFS" -> "sfio";
"<curses>" -> "<curses-i>";
"<curses-i>" -> "fdelta";
"RCS" -> "SBCS";
"RCS" -> "fdelta";
"ksh" -> "nmake";
"ksh" -> "ksh-i";
"ksh" -> "ksh-88";
"ksh-i" -> "ksh-88";
"nmake" -> "ksh";
"nmake" -> "ncpp";
"nmake" -> "3D File System";
"nmake" -> "nmake 2.0";
"ncpp" -> "Ansi cpp";
"C*" -> "CSAS";
"fdelta" -> "SBCS";
"CSAS" -> "CIA";
"ksh-88" -> "sfio";
"ksh-88" -> "Configuration Mgt";
"ksh-88" -> "Architecture & Libraries";
"IFS-i" -> "Architecture & Libraries";
"SYNED" -> "Peggy";
"Peggy" -> "PEGASUS/PML";
"Peggy" -> "ryacc";
"PEGASUS/PML" -> "Architecture & Libraries";
"yacc" -> "ryacc";
"ryacc" -> "kyacc";
"kyacc" -> "Architecture & Libraries";
"ML-X" -> "Architecture & Libraries";
"APP" -> "Software IS";
"SBCS" -> "Configuration Mgt";
"DAG" -> "Software IS";
"DAG" -> "DOT";
"CIA++" -> "Software IS";
"Ansi cpp" -> "Configuration Mgt";
"nmake 2.0" -> "Configuration Mgt";
"3D File System" -> "Configuration Mgt";
"CIA" -> "CIA++";
"IMX" -> "TTU";
"TTU" -> "PG2";
"PG2" -> "backtalk";
"backtalk" -> "DataShare";
"DataShare" -> "Architecture & Libraries";
"nmake 2.0" -> "CoShell";
"CIA" -> "DIA";
"APP" -> "DIA";
"DAG" -> "DIA";
"fdelta" -> "PAX";
"PAX" -> "SHIP";
"SHIP" -> "Configuration Mgt";
"DIA" -> "Software IS";
"DOT" -> "Software IS";
"libft" -> "Software IS";
"sfio" -> "Architecture & Libraries";
"CoShell" -> "Configuration Mgt";
"CoShell" -> "Architecture & Libraries";
"Mosaic" -> "Process";
"cron" -> "yeast";
"yeast" -> "Process";
"Software IS" -> "Adv. Software Technology";
"Configuration Mgt" -> "Adv. Software Technology";
"Architecture & Libraries" -> "Adv. Software Technology";
"Process" -> "Adv. Software Technology";'
1.2 图像迭代
1.3 DOT 文件展示
参考 Gansner, Koutsofios, and North (2015, 17)
text_input = "<<text_frame>> <<text_circle>> <<text_node>> <<text_edge>>"
input <- glue::glue(text_input, .open = "<<", .close = ">>")
text_function <-
'digraph asde91 {ranksep=.75; size = "7.5,7.5";<<input>>}',
.open = "<<",
.close = ">>"
## digraph asde91 {ranksep=.75; size = "7.5,7.5";{
## node [shape=plaintext, fontsize=16];
## /* the time-line graph */
## past -> 1978 -> 1980 -> 1982 -> 1983 -> 1985 -> 1986 ->
## 1987 -> 1988 -> 1989 -> 1990 -> "future";
## /* ancestor programs */
## "Bourne sh"; "make"; "SCCS"; "yacc"; "cron"; "Reiser cpp";
## "Cshell"; "emacs"; "build"; "vi"; "<curses>"; "RCS"; "C*";
## } { rank = same;
## "Software IS"; "Configuration Mgt"; "Architecture & Libraries"; "Process";
## }; node [shape=box];
## { rank = same; "past"; "SCCS"; "make"; "Bourne sh"; "yacc"; "cron"; }
## { rank = same; 1978; "Reiser cpp"; "Cshell"; }
## { rank = same; 1980; "build"; "emacs"; "vi"; }
## { rank = same; 1982; "RCS"; "<curses>"; "IMX"; "SYNED"; }
## { rank = same; 1983; "ksh"; "IFS"; "TTU"; }
## { rank = same; 1985; "nmake"; "Peggy"; }
## { rank = same; 1986; "C*"; "ncpp"; "ksh-i"; "<curses-i>"; "PG2"; }
## { rank = same; 1987; "Ansi cpp"; "nmake 2.0"; "3D File System"; "fdelta"; "DAG"; "CSAS";}
## { rank = same; 1988; "CIA"; "SBCS"; "ksh-88"; "PEGASUS/PML"; "PAX"; "backtalk"; }
## { rank = same; 1989; "CIA++"; "APP"; "SHIP"; "DataShare"; "ryacc"; "Mosaic"; }
## { rank = same; 1990; "libft"; "CoShell"; "DIA"; "IFS-i"; "kyacc"; "sfio"; "yeast"; "ML-X"; "DOT"; }
## { rank = same; "future"; "Adv. Software Technology"; }
## "PEGASUS/PML" -> "ML-X";
## "SCCS" -> "nmake";
## "SCCS" -> "3D File System";
## "SCCS" -> "RCS";
## "make" -> "nmake";
## "make" -> "build";
## "Bourne sh" -> "Cshell";
## "Bourne sh" -> "ksh";
## "Reiser cpp" -> "ncpp";
## "Cshell" -> "ksh";
## "build" -> "nmake 2.0";
## "emacs" -> "ksh";
## "vi" -> "ksh";
## "vi" -> "<curses>";
## "IFS" -> "<curses-i>";
## "IFS" -> "IFS-i";
## "IFS" -> "sfio";
## "<curses>" -> "<curses-i>";
## "<curses-i>" -> "fdelta";
## "RCS" -> "SBCS";
## "RCS" -> "fdelta";
## "ksh" -> "nmake";
## "ksh" -> "ksh-i";
## "ksh" -> "ksh-88";
## "ksh-i" -> "ksh-88";
## "nmake" -> "ksh";
## "nmake" -> "ncpp";
## "nmake" -> "3D File System";
## "nmake" -> "nmake 2.0";
## "ncpp" -> "Ansi cpp";
## "C*" -> "CSAS";
## "fdelta" -> "SBCS";
## "CSAS" -> "CIA";
## "ksh-88" -> "sfio";
## "ksh-88" -> "Configuration Mgt";
## "ksh-88" -> "Architecture & Libraries";
## "IFS-i" -> "Architecture & Libraries";
## "SYNED" -> "Peggy";
## "Peggy" -> "PEGASUS/PML";
## "Peggy" -> "ryacc";
## "PEGASUS/PML" -> "Architecture & Libraries";
## "yacc" -> "ryacc";
## "ryacc" -> "kyacc";
## "kyacc" -> "Architecture & Libraries";
## "ML-X" -> "Architecture & Libraries";
## "APP" -> "Software IS";
## "SBCS" -> "Configuration Mgt";
## "DAG" -> "Software IS";
## "DAG" -> "DOT";
## "CIA++" -> "Software IS";
## "Ansi cpp" -> "Configuration Mgt";
## "nmake 2.0" -> "Configuration Mgt";
## "3D File System" -> "Configuration Mgt";
## "CIA" -> "CIA++";
## "IMX" -> "TTU";
## "TTU" -> "PG2";
## "PG2" -> "backtalk";
## "backtalk" -> "DataShare";
## "DataShare" -> "Architecture & Libraries";
## "nmake 2.0" -> "CoShell";
## "CIA" -> "DIA";
## "APP" -> "DIA";
## "DAG" -> "DIA";
## "fdelta" -> "PAX";
## "PAX" -> "SHIP";
## "SHIP" -> "Configuration Mgt";
## "DIA" -> "Software IS";
## "DOT" -> "Software IS";
## "libft" -> "Software IS";
## "sfio" -> "Architecture & Libraries";
## "CoShell" -> "Configuration Mgt";
## "CoShell" -> "Architecture & Libraries";
## "Mosaic" -> "Process";
## "cron" -> "yeast";
## "yeast" -> "Process";
## "Software IS" -> "Adv. Software Technology";
## "Configuration Mgt" -> "Adv. Software Technology";
## "Architecture & Libraries" -> "Adv. Software Technology";
## "Process" -> "Adv. Software Technology";}
2 IDE高亮
文件 save 为 .dot
3 Use command lines
5 增加标题
参考 Github Issue 182,
digraph with_title {
graph [layout = dot,
label = 'It is a title',
labelloc = t]
node [shape = egg,
style = filled,
color = black,
fontsize = 12,
fontname = Helvetica,
fontcolor = white,
# label = ''
A -> C
This is a very late response, but
labelloc = t
places the title at the top. (Reed 2020)
Gansner, Emden R., Eleftherios Koutsofios, and Stephen North. 2015. Drawing Graphs with Dot.
Reed, Dan. 2020. “Title on Graph.” GitHub. 2020.