1. 使用 RMarkdown 的 child 参数,进行文档拼接。
  2. 这样拼接以后的笔记方便复习。
  3. 相关问题提交到 GitHub

1 ad-hoc

The content may be read continuously, or accessed in an ad-hoc manner. (Klok and Nazarathy 2019) 表示点对点的学习。

2 aligners

I have to wear my Invisalign clear aligners 22 hours a day for best results. 我每天必须要戴着隐形牙套22个小时,才能有最好的效果。https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/oKyMSquj_r9Xc04KU6MaYA

aligners 是牙套的意思

  1. [əˈlaɪnər]
  2. 词根是 align,依靠的意思
  3. 也可以叫做braces。brackets 中括号[xxx] 也是符合记忆的。

3 amo

分享歌词: Te dijo te amo,他对我说:我爱你。 分享Alizée的单曲《La Isla Bonita》: http://music.163.com/song/2116937/?userid=3615376 ()


4 apply for leave

apply for leave http://v.douyin.com/S9GrNe/ leave 这里不可数,泛指

Dear Mr. xxx,

(I would like to) apply for 2-days leave (on Monday and Tuesday) for personal reasons.

  1. 2-days 做形容词,一般来说不加s,但是这个小哥是地道说法,学习下
  2. on Monday and Tuesday 表示修饰

Please consider my application at your earliest convenience.


I will resume work on Wednesday.

resume 打开字典,有重新开始的意思。

5 bangokok

Bangokok 读作 Ban co k 曼谷


6 carry

分享歌词: I’ll carry you home,我会将你平安送回家去,Tonight,今夜。 分享Fun./Janelle Monáe的单曲《We Are Young》: http://music.163.com/song/26069686/?userid=3615376 ()

所以 carry 我是一种符合语法的说法。

7 carry on

分享歌词: I promise loud to carry on to you (Woah),我大声发誓 我会为你坚持到最后。 分享Kygo/Rita Ora的单曲《Carry On (电影《大侦探皮卡丘》主题曲)》: http://music.163.com/song/1359113596/?userid=3615376 ()

carry on to continue doing, pursuing, or operating

  • Eh, I’m losing, you breaking,
  • montherfuxXer, You are not breaking, we get 5G,
  • Yeah, you are right, carry on, grandmom.


8 caterers refreshment

Imagine that you are throwing a fancy party, and have hired some caterers to provide refreshments for your guest. https://campus.datacamp.com/courses/writing-functions-in-python/context-managers?ex=1

  1. caterers 搞餐饮的人
  2. refreshments 饮料什么的

9 cheers


  1. Let’s toast the bride and groom. 新郎新娘
  2. drink to sb/sth
  3. I give you +人名
  4. cheers
  5. bottoms up


10 chill out

Jim, come on, man, chill out. (CSI, S14E02)

chill out 类似于 clam down 冷静点的意思。

11 compact

make a repository more compact 参考 git 使用 compact 这个词更好,表达简洁。

12 compliment-or-complement

compliment 和 complement 的区别

参考Oxford Dictionaries, 两者是完全不一致的,虽然发音一致。


  1. complimentary 可以表示 free,在餐厅使用时比较常见。
  2. complement 表示互补的,经济学中常见的 complement goods 翻译为互补品。
    1. 它的词根是 complete。

12.1 compliment


The airline thanked the passengers for their help and complimented the captain on his initiative.

12.2 complement

The recipe was delicious and the wine complemented the food beautifully.


12.3 complementary

Complementary should instead be used to describe things that combine in such a way as to enhance or emphasize each other’s good qualities:

Complementary 可以表示技能的协同作用。

They had different but complementary skills.

13 cynical

cynical [ˈsɪnɪkl] adj.愤世嫉俗的


Do you have to be so cynical about everything? https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/VjqlImb6X6WiF5dwO_AHuw

14 decoration

we’re making improvements. not in the food or decor (破产姐妹, S06E01)

decor 这里省略是 decoratio 意思是既没有在食品上做改良,也没有在外观上做改良,其实这两个妹子创业就是搞笑的。

15 delve

delve deeper into neural networks https://www.datacamp.com//courses/deep-learning-with-pytorch 深挖 ~ mining

16 don t go there

  1. Who covered for his mistresses?
  2. Why did he need mistresses?
  3. Ladies, don’t go there.
  • mistress(es) 情妇的意思。
  • don’t go there 是不要扯得太远的意思,当时警察打断两个嫌疑人不要再吵了

17 dont sidestep my question

dont sidestep my question https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/HHoZ1ufv5iu0rsCyvnHDuQ

不要回避问题,sidestep 是一个地道用法。

18 duty

这里介绍 duty 的用法,可以表达“职能”。

In the human body, proteins are the primary structural components of cells and perform a few different duties. (McCall 2018)

perform … duties.

19 emerging projects

Apache Spark has API in both R and Python. Recently, there are also some emerging projects aiming at better usability and performance. https://www.anotherbookondatascience.com/chapter3.html

Becoming prominent; newly formed; emergent; rising. Like emerging market, emerging countries.

20 etc

etc. 读法和用法 参考 Reference

et set tera

I like drinks like tea, coffee, etc.

21 favor and expense

To make it | in their favor | at your expense. 以你的利益为代价。

favor 和 expense 对比。

22 flaws and forte

For example, I understand my own flaws, my characters and my forte.

own 是互文的,因此是 my own flaws, my own characters and my own forte. flaws 就是缺点了,forte 是优点 forte /’fɔːteɪ/ 托福 GRE 词汇


my strong point and weak point.


23 forgiveness is between them and god

In the church, they say to forgive. Forgiveness is between them and God. It is My job to arrange the meeting. (Man on Fire)

男主去枪杀腐败官员的时候说的。大概意思说, 宗教劝人向善,信奉上帝,如果兢兢业业,死后可以见到上帝。 原谅就是向善的一部分,只是信徒和上帝之间的默契,某一些人认为他们的工作就是送他们见上帝。



24 fortify

you can fortify it (jargon for “adding new columns”) with metrics areas and yields.

fortify 加强。

25 fried eggs

The eggs are frying in the pan. 锅里在煎鸡蛋。

She fried the eggs in a frying pan. 她在平锅里煎鸡蛋。

因此 fry 既可以 vi 又可以 vt。

She fried two eggs for her breakfast. 她煎了两个鸡蛋做早餐。

I’ll try. Bring me two fried eggs. 好吧。给我来两个煎鸡蛋。

26 game-names-in-english


DOTA 2 /douta/ Defense of the Ancients

League of Legends /liɡ]/

Tetris 俄罗斯方块

Contra 魂斗罗

Player Unknown’s Battle Grounds PUBG /pʌbg/ 绝地求生

https://www.bilibili.com/video/av44385017 02:16 todo * 【游戏名称发音】还在吃鸡?你知道它的英文全称怎么读吗?_bilibili_哔哩哔哩

27 gathering

After-work gatherings in South Korea used to follow a pattern(魏剑峰 2019).

gathering是指“聚会,集会” family gatherings

28 get down on your knees

get down on your knees (CSI, S14E01)


29 get your head straight

Get your head straight. (Flack S01E01)

保持大脑清醒,straight 直的意思。

30 go-to



relied on and regularly turned to for expert knowledge, skill, or performance the company’s go-to guy

Python’s Matplotlib is the go to library for plotting and visualizing data https://ai.yanxishe.com/page/TextTranslation/1831

31 goes up in smoke

“Let me know when your whole life goes up in smoke. That means it’s time for a promotion. ” (穿Prada的女魔头) https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/6HLTojPejFa5Sr6ybRYORQ

什么时候你没有自己的生活了,就是你升职的时候了。 生活泡汤了。

32 gotchas

You will also learn the details of how Python passes arguments to functions, as well as some common gotchas that can cause debugging headaches when calling functions.

  1. colloquial A potential problem or source of trouble.

int. 明白了(等于got you)

colloquial 口语的,类似于 tryna (try to)

33 handy

handy 做定语后置情况少

Do you have a calculator handy?

handy 作为 adj 定语后置了。


一般 handy 作为一个形容词,主要是

  1. 做表语
    1. The aspirins are handy.
  2. 做定语(前置)
    1. a handy person.


因此考证后,不建议这样使用 handy

34 heads up

heads up

Head就是头,是人身体上很重要的一部分。在这个习惯用语里,head是多数,所以在head后面要加s, heads。 Heads up就是在一件事发生前先告诉某人,或者是先警告某人。heads up用做名词时,前面可加不定冠词a。 http://www.eol.cn/en_study_5634/20120117/t20120117_732924.shtml


Thank you so much for the heads up and the reprex!

I believe this is now fixed by 0edd78a https://github.com/kbodwin/demoR/issues/12#issuecomment-519681174

35 heels

参考 女鞋

  1. 拖鞋 slippers (house shoes)
  2. 凉鞋 sandals
  3. 凉鞋 sandals with a back strap
  4. 人字拖 flip-flops
  5. chunky heels 跟是粗的
  6. high heels 高跟鞋
  7. Wedges 中间不镂空
  8. flats 不好形容看图

  1. Tennies shoes 一般运动鞋
  2. sneakers 板鞋
  3. ankle boots 靴子
  4. Uggs (ags) / show boots 不是 U-G-G

36 how-verb

  • Is that how you dance?
  • That’s how cool people dance.

这就是你跳舞的样子么? 这是 cool people 跳舞的样子,这里注意 how + verb. 的用法,也符合中文语境。


37 humble


  1. low or inferior in station or quality
  2. marked by meekness or modesty; not arrogant or prideful


38 hurt

分享歌词: God, it hurts to be human,做人生来便是痛苦。 分享P!nk/Khalid的单曲《Hurts 2B Human》: http://music.163.com/song/1359840045/?userid=3615376 ()

分享歌词: It feels so hard to watch you hurt,眼看着你重伤让我痛苦不堪。 分享ONE OK ROCK/Avril Lavigne的单曲《Listen》: http://music.163.com/song/453176145/?userid=3615376 ()

My leg hurts. Someone’s going to pay for it.我的腿很疼 总有人要付出代价 (火枪手 第2季 第3集)

所以 hurt 是一个 vi. 注意用法。

39 hurts my feelings

He often hurts my feelings on purpose. (CSI, S09E01)


40 i remember

I remember 这是一句废话,做插入语

If my memory serves me correctly. 这是一个状语,也是一句废话,但是都是 subtle。

If I remember rightly. If I remember righly, there’s one catfish per island.

In my experience In my experience, we get a lot of people on that tour. 注意这里on 而非 in

speaking from experence, 类似于 Previouly speaking 上次说过,都是状语。

英文表达之“我记得篇”, I remember. http://v.douyin.com/AgC3UU/

41 in your home

Keeping an exotic pet in your home! https://3mmarand.github.io/useR2019_tutorial/#1 有这样的表达。

42 inflate away debt


It is too easy for politicians to use monetary policy to inflate away debt(魏剑峰 2018).

43 integrity

This is not a partisan issue, I cannot say that more strongly. This is about the integrity of our democracy.

我觉得 integrity 表达的是廉洁,但是完整性其实是更加适合的翻译。

44 king size

大床房 king size https://gs.ctrip.com/html5/you/asks/308/475901.html

45 knob out

Knob out in twenty. (Flack S01E01)

就xxx了20分钟,这是女主 diss 客户的时候说的。Knob out 其实常用敲门这个动作。

46 let

Xu abused this power; the Univeristy let him.

let 不加 s (说姐 2019)

47 let s see if the stars align

Let’s see if the stars align.



48 life plays tricks on him

Life plays tricks on him means that he often has to deal with unexpected events that seem to force him to make changes to his plans.

49 luxuries


Gucci Versace c 都是 chi 的发音

Bvlgari burgeri 类似于汉堡的发音


50 make it right

分享歌词: No matter what, I’ll make it right,就算误入歧途 我也会使我们重回正轨。 分享Vicetone/Meron Ryan的单曲《Walk Thru Fire》: http://music.163.com/song/1297498908/?userid=3615376 () 表达“纠正”

51 mentor

He was a friend and mentor. I mean…

mentor 导师这样的翻译会更好,但是没有上下级关系。

52 mice

  1. Mice - mai s
  2. mickey - mi key


53 mindset

mindset A way of thinking; an attitude or opinion, especially a habitual one.

There are certain skills that will stay with you your entire life. One of those skills is learning to automate things. There is a moto for automation that gets straight to the point, “If it isn’t automated…it’s broken”. In this course you learn to adopt this mindset.

这里的 mindset 用的很好,类似于 skillset。

54 monetization

How much of Facebook’s revenue comes directly from the monetization of users’ personal data?


monetization = 货币化,很常用,monetization of claims (collection),催收案件证券化 revenue comes from 也是一个比较好的方法。例如回答杜邦公式,How much of ROE comes from leverage? ROE 中有多少是杠杆中得到的?

55 my only beef with sth

My only beef with sth


My only beef with edarf is that I don’t love the plots. Blog

My only beef with the show… posted 4 years ago by rixter Really loved the show. I think it was one of the funniest, most believable sitcoms of all time. Having said that,young actor Larry Matthews, who played son Richie, has to be one of the least talented child actors I’ve ever seen. I know he wasn’t supposed to be a major character, but jeez, couldn’t they find someone who didn’t act like he was just reading from cue cards? The only one that might be worse is Lilly from Modern Family.

56 not at all

not at all

正确发音规则是 no-da t-all,类似于 not-debt-all,注意 debt 中间的 b 失去爆破。 一般作为 Thanks 的回复,比如

  • Thank you so much
  • Not at all


57 ocd

# Clean up variable names (becuz I'm a bit OCD)
df <- df %>% rename(V01 = V1, V02 = V2, V03 = V3, V04 = V4, 
                    V05 = V5, V06 = V6, V07 = V7, V08 = V8,
                    V09 = V9)

参考 Blog

Obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental disorder in which a person feels the need to perform certain routines repeatedly (called “compulsions”), or has certain thoughts repeatedly (called “obsessions”). The person is unable to control …

OCD 就是内心的秩序!

58 over

over: during something, or while doing something 在…的同时

conversation is continued over non-alcoholic drinks(魏剑峰 2019).


We sat over our wine and talked. 意思是“我们坐下来一边喝葡萄酒一边聊天”。

分享歌词: I’m waiting over there,我就在这里等着你。 分享ALMAND/Lost Boy的单曲《Living In You》: http://music.163.com/song/554146754/?userid=3615376 ()

  1. waiting over there
  2. waiting over an hour.

59 overparenting



60 petti-size

petti size


女士衣服一般都很多专有的词汇,正如女鞋一样。 一般先讨论尺码 (size),一般对身形小的,有一个词汇叫做 petti (ultimately from French petit, “small”)

  1. 这个词来自法语,不是很好发音,pe 读音取paper 后一个音,tti 谐音 T,因此一般词典解释的不好。
  2. 这个词不是贬义,而是古典时期,法国、意大利这些国家讲究时尚,特定为身材娇小女性打造的一种类型。 这个词其实在美国的大型商场用到很多,比如 Bloomdale 或者 Northstrom。

这一类衣服统称为 Petti Coat。 一般来说,特点就是有下摆,叫做 Petti Coat Hem


比如一般你喜欢穿的类型,叫做 Petti Dress,这是一个合成词,你先看下图片来自Bloomingdale



一般更加正式些,也就是小礼服,用于正式场合,叫做 Petti Formal Dress,这里的 formal 就是正式、正式场合的意思。

参考 Macy’s



61 photograph

  1. photograph 读作 PHO-tograph
  2. photography 读作 pho—TOG-raphy
  3. photographic 读作 photo-GRA-phic



  1. I like pho-TOG-raphy. 喜欢摄影
  2. She is very photo-GRA-phic. 上镜
  3. I have a photo-GRA-phic memory. 记忆力好


62 playing decoy

Two SUVs, two drivers, you playing decoy, (CSI, S14E01)

playing decoy 耍花招。

Tyree knows he’s playing the part of a decoy. But he doesn’t know he’s also the patsy. (CSI, S14E02)

patsy: a person who is gullible and easy to take advantage of 容易被利用的人

63 poker

a Jack and a King of clubs, a 4 of spades, and an ace of hearts. (Souliotis 2019)


  1. Spades, Clubs, Diamonds and Hearts
  2. 黑桃,梅花,方片,桃心

64 polarized

I feel like the main problem in US politics is that people are so polarized that they can’t understand each other, and therefore they can’t work together, and therefore nothing gets done. (The Great Hack)

两极化 polarized 它的名词形式,也指南北极。 这里说,美国政治(也泛指一般西方发达国家政治)的主要问题是人民太两极化,导致不能充分理解=>合作=>成事。

65 pretty much

pretty much

差不多 = almost

I was pretty much wasted the whole time.


  1. wasted 是 adj.
  2. the whole time 是状语


66 promise

promise 同义词

  • have my words (Miller 2016)

67 pros and cons

Since there are pros and cons of each methods, let’s try them both. DataCamp


68 pull my leg

Is it real or are you pulling my leg? 真的假的?还是你在逗我?/开我玩笑? https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/Y6o9mQoRJiXePAdPXRtagA


  1. to try to persuade someone
  2. to believe something that is not true, as a joke

因此类似于 get out 表示不相信。

有种说法是最初人们看到有人故意把手杖伸在别人的腿脚下使他绊倒摔跤,于是从这种朋友间恶作剧中得到启发,就用这个短语表示「开玩笑」的意思了。 指的没有恶意的方式,是好朋友之间的插科打诨。使用的时候,不要弄错情景。

69 real emotion

分享歌词: It’s real emotion killing me,这份真挚情感折磨着我。 分享Paper Route的单曲《Real Emotion》: http://music.163.com/song/431753107/?userid=3615376 ()


70 recap

To recap, it has three arguments. DataCamp

71 reply

  • Did you reply?
  • No.

reply 发音 repay,l 弱读

73 row

分享歌词: Row, row, row your boat,划 划 划你的船。 分享Smith & Thell的单曲《ROW》: http://music.163.com/song/445845421/?userid=3615376 ()

row 一行行滑动,类似于名词形式的“行数”,其实比较直观。

74 salmon

salmon 读作 sa(1)mon sa~ 三文鱼 想想 lisa 怎么读。


75 secondary location

There is no blood, there are no signs of violence. There is nothing here to even suggest a secondary location. (CSI, S14E01)

  1. secondary 是次级的意思,这里引申为密室。女警察没有找到血迹、打斗痕迹,更没有找到密室。
  2. secondary bond market 二级债券市场,08年金融危机时期,很常见。

76 shed

  1. I don’t think it’s possible to shed any of this.
  2. You can’t really put something like this behind you.
  3. The Cambridge Analytica case is behind me now.

这里三种表达,都是 let it go 放手的意思。

77 sick

That’s for getting sick on my dress. (Flack S01E01)

sick 是恶心的意思, I am sick on sth. 我对 sth 很不爽,可以是人可以是物。

78 skin deep

Well said! By the way,I’m a guy,but I don’t find girls with big boobs really that attractive. Maybe I’m the face and leg kind of guy, but what really matters is your true personality. Just like what they say : Beauty is just skin deep.

  1. big boobs 大胸并非是吸引人的。
  2. attractive ~ impressive 前者更容易形容主观的内容,后者相对客观。

08年在我央视听到这首歌 skin deep,其实这个词就是肤浅的意思。


External attractiveness has no relation to goodness or essential quality. This maxim was first stated by Sir Thomas Overbury in his poem “A Wife” (1613): “All the carnall beauty of my wife is but skin-deep.“

All the carnall beauty of my wife is but skin-deep 我妻子的所有外在美貌都是肤浅的。

79 skincare


参考 www.bilibili.com

  1. 皮肤类型
    1. Dry 干性皮肤
    2. Oily 油性皮肤
    3. Normal 中性皮肤
    4. combination 混合性皮肤
    5. sensitive 敏感性肌肤
  2. 洗面奶: facial cleanser 或 face wash
  3. 爽肤水: toner,类似于 tony 的发音
  4. 精华(根据质地不同): essence 或 serum 类似于 siri 或 ampoule 读作 ann-pure
  5. 乳液: lotion 或 moisturizer mois-tr-righ-z
  6. 霜: cream 1.day cream 日霜
    1. night cream 夜霜
  7. 面膜: facial mask
  8. 喷雾: mist. Hydrating mist 保湿喷雾
  9. 润唇膏: lip balm 有点 Bond 的发音。
  10. 防晒: sunscreen
    1. sunscreen all year 全年防晒
    2. sunscreen on sunny days 晴天防晒

80 sleep

分享歌词: I’m tryna to get some sleep,我一夜无眠。 分享Fairlane/Trove的单曲《Crumble》: http://music.163.com/song/1352962927/?userid=3615376 ()

sleep 可以做名词。

81 soft-launched

this project is soft-launched, which means you may experience bugs. (https://www.datacamp.com/projects/738)

82 state of the art

当下最强 (State-of-the-Art)

state of the art 艺术级别的,表示是最强的,可以作为 best 的替代。

83 supposed-to

supposed to 用法



  • what xxx is supposed to be = should

这里的确是“应该的意思”,但是都是很短的句子。 比如这里 supposed to be,be 直译就是“是”的意思,连起来翻译就是“应该是的(样子)”。

我们再看一个句子,来自 Planet Money

So this is the way it was supposed to work - a simple reporting tool for good banks to stop bad employees. But what happens when the bank itself becomes the problem, when there are bad managers? This is what we’re hearing happened at Wells Fargo. The U5 became a weapon, a way to threaten and punish employees. (Smith et al. 2016)

这篇文章介绍了银行业的U5报告,主要是雇主可以再上面登记不合格的员工,防止其他雇主被坑。 那么看这里“it was supposed to work”,这里说的意思是“应该就起效了”。 然后下文作者又说,其实没有那么简单,因为雇主中也有不合格的,可以通过U5报告,反过来要挟员工。 例如富国银行前两年的丑闻。


The xxx no is supposed to be xxx.

84 take-over

take over 本身有兼并收购的意思,但是也有占领,换位子的意思,这个闹过一个笑话。

今日头条 take over 百度,当时国内媒体翻译错了,以为是今日头条收购百度,其实实际上说的是今日头条的市值很高,已经取代了百度在BAT的地位。

85 teeth

  1. dentist n. 牙科医生
  2. clinic n. 诊所
  3. gum 牙龈

86 thank you

thank you 对应 no problem/not at all

87 the stamina and the will

  1. You think about whether you have the stamina
  2. 你想知道你是否有耐力
  3. and the will to do this type of job.
  4. 做这类工作的意愿。

the stamina and the will 精力和意志,可以用来衡量工作的能力和意愿,比 ability 和 willing 要地道。

88 the whole truth

The Truth – The whole truth – and Nothing but the truth.


  1. 对于基督教徒,手按的是《圣经》,誓词为: I swear by almighty God that the evidence I shall give shall be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth;
  2. 对于穆斯林,则是手按《可兰经》,将almighty God换成Allah;
  3. 犹太教则是手按《旧约》,誓词与基督徒相同;
  4. 对于不信教的人们来说,则是跟读下面一段誓词:I do solemnly, sincerely and truly declare and affirm that the evidence I shall give shall be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth。
  5. 至于摩门教和Quaker的宣誓,也都是大同小异,还是这些法言法语。


89 time heals all

Time heals all. (CSI, S14E02)


90 title-level


general managers (以下简称 GM)中文翻译为总经理,其实在不同领域会有不同的权利范围, 参考en.wikipedia.org

  1. 在老牌外企中,权力是很大的,可以说负责一家公司的盈亏,从这个意义上讲,和国内企业定义差不多。
  2. 在一些大型500强中,GM通常职能被 CEO 或者 president 替代。
  3. 但是在科技公司,它的 level 就相对低了,对应的是 产品经理 product manager,相当于项目负责人,对应地还有 country manager

总体来看, 参考www.zhihu.com

  1. 总监 director
  2. 总裁 president

从图中可以看到,有分 senior (资深、高级), principal (首席) 的,相对来说是职级比较低,需要细分的。

91 travel check list

power bank 充电宝 travel check list (checklist) 旅行清单 https://b23.tv/av65496218

92 turned its back

Ellie, I know it seems like the world has turned its back on you, but it’s not the case. (CSI, S14E01)

  1. Ellie 读作 Elly
  2. turned its back on you 为你(相反)转过身去,这里说明 Ellie 的做法不得到支持
  3. it’s not the case. 和实际情况不符合。

93 undercover operation

undercover operation 卧底计划

94 use-the

the 的用法

94.1 身临其境

参考 WeChat Article

The fireworks are being prepared. The red envelopes are being filled. And, around the world, hundreds of millions of people are coming together to celebrate the Chinese New Year.


red envelopes 是红包的意思。

特蕾莎(英国首相)用的是 The fireworks are being prepared. 而不是 Fireworks are being prepared. 这里借鉴了文学作品中一种常见的开头手法。

在文学作品中,作者往往在开头使用 the 来将读者引入小说的情景,使读者有一种身临其境的感觉。

因此这里用 the fireworks / the red 表达效果会更好,能让人感受到烟花和红包仿佛就在眼前。

94.2 泛指

参考 WeChat Article

  1. Since 2000, humans have been living in the space constantly.
  2. Books fill the leisure time for many people.
  3. The History shows that increased wealth and higher levels of education as economies develop make it almost impossible to prevent birth rates from falling.
  4. Homelessness is a serious problem for the society.
  • 虽然 leisure time 是组合名词,但是这里是泛指不用加 the
  • History 泛指历史,shows 见证
  • society 泛指社会,不用加 the

我的经验是如果上文没提到这个名词,就不加 the。难一些的是 leisure time,这个一般单靠语感或者语法都很难 100% 正确,因此需要大量积累,这四个很典型,因此可以先记忆。

95 walk away

But I think it was very brave of her to come out and then to keep cooperating and not to walk away.

  1. 注意 to … 后面一整句,是 it 代词。
  2. 她出现,合作,没有置之不理,我认为这是非常勇敢的。

96 waste-the-life

waste the life

The arguement to persuade me is if you want to make someone useless, just let him do nothing. For example, suppose, someone (1) wastes(we-s-se) all the time, (2) or hang out, you match your target.

The man from earth Happy Death Day

97 water spray

water spray 花洒

water spray


98 waving goodbye

分享歌词: Tired of waving goodbye,我早就厌倦了挥手再见。 分享Shannon Hurley的单曲《Matter of Time》: http://music.163.com/song/3418475/?userid=3615376 ()

99 whaddu

what do I owe you? http://v.douyin.com/S99sTL/

  1. what do => whaddu
  2. I => I
  3. owe
  4. you => ya

100 wild and free

分享歌词: All of nature, wild and free,所有的自然,野性和自由。 分享Alizée的单曲《La Isla Bonita》: http://music.163.com/song/2116937/?userid=3615376 ()


101 youth

We want to target the youth.

youth 读作 Uth

102 you should go outside

You should go outside

前面的辅音是 p/t/k/b/d/g 后面接辅音,前面的辅音连读时就不读。

103 and brushes her short black hair

And brushes her short black hair

104 let me help you

let me help you.

105 all set

all set


I’m all set. = I’m ready.

  • I’m all set for the trip.
  • 我准备好去旅行了。
  • I’m all set up here.
  • 我已经在这儿安顿好了。
  • I’m all set for the meeting.
  • 我准备好开会了。
  • I’m all set for the new job.
  • 我为新工作准备好了。

106 but substitute


  1. however
  2. then again 表示疑问的加成时,可以用 then again,注意连读。
  3. on the other hand
  4. yet
  5. that said 尽管如此。

注意这些 subtle difference。

Some people say this diet (健身餐) is healthy.

  1. Then again, maybe those people were paid to say it. 这些人是为了恰饭而说的。
  2. That said, maybe those people were paid to say it.

Much of scholarship has focused on this evidence. Yet not everyone agrees that this is most important aspect of the situation. 这个奖学金是最看重这种证据,但是不是每个人都认为这是最重要的。

107 smile from ear to ear

She is smiling from ear to ear.

嘴巴从耳朵咧到耳朵 -> 她笑得都合不拢嘴了。


108 stir the pot

Shirley just loves to stir the pot. https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/LOJgfZrxSha5XGV822R82A

  1. stir  搅合、搅动
  2. pot  ˈpät  锅、容器


类似地,shit stirrer /ˈstɝː.ɚ/

109 trouble maker

I was worried that I would be regarded as a trouble maker if I complained about the safety standards. 我担心如果我对安全标准有异议,会被视为麻烦精。 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/-TqLLK-127ZttR0016_3Sw

I opened up a can of worms today.

  1. open 用得很地道。
  2. a can of worms 指“麻烦事”

110 hold your horses

hold your horses(Women who kill, S01E06).


111 carry away

We got a bit carried away(Why Women Kill S01E06). 我们有点忘乎所以了


112 check

with parents who only saw me as another check from the government(Why Women Kill S01E02). 那些父母只把我看作是政府給的一張支票

check from,这个介词这么用。

113 dump

Rob dumped me. 罗伯把我甩了 (Why Women Kill S01E07)

114 coming out

it’s very important to get the costume right when you’re coming out. 出柜的时候 你的着装非常重要 (Why Women Kill S01E07)

coming out 出柜。

115 productionize productionise

productionize productionise

  1. with object To produce for general use; to put into production. (Royal Air Force Quarterly,1930s;Productionizing Shiny and Plumber with Pins)
  2. 把模型放入生产
  3. put my model into production,注意这里 production 约定俗成,不加 the
  4. productionize my model

116 kept man

Thanks for playing the breadwinner for a while https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/U6mbMBiv3_927iMeQm-MdQ

多谢这段时间养家糊口,这里等同于 play a role of breadwinner。

  1. 同理地,kept woman,a man who is kept as a lover by someone, 类似于 Why Women Kill 里面的 Jade。
  2. toy boy,就是小白脸 toy 是玩具,boy 一般叫成年都是有一点戏谑和贬义的,因此其义自见。
  3. breadwinner 就是养家糊口的人,My father is the breadwinner in our family bread 面包,winner,胜者,其义自见。

117 hell around

Hell around. https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/qdik_NJobK6sZLdCCvkWWw

  1. 混日子
  2. hell 是“地狱”的意思,和我们熟知的“天堂”(heaven)相反。

118 what the hell

What the hell/fuck are you doing? /talking about? https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/qdik_NJobK6sZLdCCvkWWw

表示一种不懂做啥,听不懂的状态,比较气愤,读出来就可以感受到了。 “你在搞什么飞机?”

What are you playing at?


119 close but no cigar

Close, but no cigar. https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/3NQmSON3JBkQ4to0ZqAVAg

  1. 就差一点点!(就要点燃了),cigar C尬 雪茄的意思。
  2. 可以说 a little bit

120 hello girl

Why is the hello girl still on the shelf? https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/xnTY31fyqTsQr3ExbMeo7w


女电话接线员,也就是女电话客服人员,大家都知道,一般接起电话,第一句话就是:hello,所以就把电话客服人员叫做hello girl了。

对应地,hello boy 没听到过。

121 skip steps

  1. skip steps, do those steps 不能走捷径,用skip,表示去做的话,可以用 do,这样好记
  2. put one font in front of the other 一步一个脚印
  3. there are no shortcuts, shortcuts 也是常说的快捷键
  4. things take time


122 bargain seeker

  1. bargain 讨价还价,作名词是特价商品
  2. seeker 是寻找者


  1. Seek a bargain,也就是薅羊毛的意思。 WeChat Article
  2. drive/strike a hard bargain 狠狠地杀价

123 bargaining strategies

砍价的话术 WeChat Article

  1. Give sellers a reason to negotiate. 给卖家一个谈判的理由。
  2. Be willing to walk away.
  3. See whether the seller is anxious. 看卖家是否着急。

124 over the top

This joke was a bit over the top. 这个玩笑有点过分了WeChat Article

125 over the moon

If you say that you are over the moon, you mean that you are very pleased about something. 如果你说你“over the moon”,那你的意思是你对某件事情非常高兴! WeChat Article

126 once in a blue moon


I only exercise once in a blue moon. 我很少运动。 WeChat Article

127 go for a song

  1. I got it for a song. 这个东西,我买得非常便宜。
  2. Because the shop’s closing down, most of the stock is going for a song. 因为这个店铺要倒闭了,大部分的商品都大甩卖。 WeChat Article

但是被宰的表达是 rip-off 名词

This shirt is a complete rip-off。 这衬衫贵的要死。

128 shut down and mobilize

To shut down and mobilize,去阻止流言蜚语,鼓动人心。 分享Intercom/Park Avenue的单曲《Decoy World》:?http://music.163.com/song/503207111/?userid=3615376?()

129 back to square one

We’ll be back to square one. 我们得从头再来!

Unless you know American English, you might have trouble understanding what this means: Back to Square One. WeChat Article

start over 也是重新再来。

130 jump in and get your feet wet

Jump in and get your feet wet. 行动起来,尝试一下。 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/KkmWoyAUVRpRaRv73PmvkQ

  1. give it a shot(=attempt(尝试))
  2. give it a try
  3. go for it
  4. have a try
  5. come on

131 robot vacuum

/’vækjʊəm/ 扫地机器人 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/Mk1vD6V05xjQQSDCK-Ab4w

robot 是机器人,vacuum 是吸尘器,那连在一起就是“吸尘机器人”

132 shopping cart

She put the carton of eggs in her shopping cart. 她把一盒鸡蛋放到了购物车里。 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/Mk1vD6V05xjQQSDCK-Ab4w

133 shortcut

There is no shortcut to learning. 学习没有捷径。 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/KVsJYG4IlRz_JO9itm3M6A

There is no royal road to learning.

135 red


Let’s paint the town red tonight.

让我们今晚上尽情狂欢吧! paint the town red



136 rebuild your trust

分享歌词: No, nothing could rebuild your trust,不 在没有什么能重建你对我的信任,So you lit the matches for fun,所以你带着嘲弄般点燃了火柴。 分享Dabin/Lexi Norton的单曲《In Flames》: http://music.163.com/song/548650022/?userid=3615376 ()

rebuild your trust,重拾信任。

137 more than a face

分享歌词: Your more than more than more than a face,你在我心中不止一张面孔。 分享Shogun/Adara的单曲《Shogun X Adara - Face In The Crowd 》: http://music.163.com/song/1377129934/?userid=3615376 ()


138 tango

It takes two to tango. 一个巴掌拍不响。

Tango is a popular Romantic dance partner dance and social dance that originated in the 1880s along the Río de la Plata, the natural border between Argentina and Uruguay. It was born in the impoverished port areas of these countries, where natives mixed with slave and European immigrant populations.


  • originate/ə’rɪdʒɪnet/ v.起源于、产自、产生
  • border /’bɔrdɚ/ n.边界、边缘
  • impoverish /ɪmˈpɑvərɪʃ/ v.使贫穷
  • impoverished adj.贫困的



139 coronavirus

合成词 conrona-virus

corona 英[ kəˈrəʊnə ] 美[ kəˈroʊnə ] ~ fanyi.youdao.com

    1. [物] 电晕;日冕;冠状物
    1. (Corona)人名;(罗、葡、西、意、英)科罗纳,科罗娜(女名)

这里的 ‘a’ 是一个 schwa 元音,不读 /a/,类似于 banana 的第二和第三个a的读音 https://v.douyin.com/sCu624/

virus 英[ ˈvaɪrəs ] 美[ ˈvaɪrəs ] ~ fanyi.youdao.com

140 china does not need to

China does not need to. 也很常用,相比较于 don’t have to

“赞扬中国,是不是中方要求?”世卫总干事谭德塞强势回应西方记者:过去没有,现在也没有,这就是事实。 https://v.douyin.com/sh6sLQ/

141 deliver


142 sql

If you look at Oracle’s official documentation on SQL, it says it’s still pronounced “sequel” [2]. However, if you look at MySQL’s official documentation, it says “MySQL” is officially pronounced “‘My Ess Que Ell’ (not ‘my sequel’)” [3], and Wikipedia says SQL is officially pronounced “S-Q-L” and references an O’Reilly book on the subject [4]. So this is no help, the major sources aren’t agreeing on the way it’s “officially” pronounced. (Gillespie 2012) Since the language was originally named SEQUEL, many people continued to pronounce the name that way after it was shortened to SQL. Both pronunciations are widely used and recognized. As to which is more “official”, I guess the authority would be the ISO Standard, which is spelled (and presumably pronounced) S-Q-L. (Gillespie 2012)

Don Chamberlin 在邮件里面回复,这门语言一开始读 sequel,后来慢慢简短,读 S-Q-L。 所以单独读 SQL 发音 [ˈsikwəl],读 MySQL,读成 My-S-Q-L。

  1. “Structured English Query Language” (SEQUEL) [ˈsikwəl]
  2. query [ˈkwɪəri] focus on kw

143 respite

Still, the heavens offer a pleasant respite from all the evisceration on the ground. Source: Reuters In this sentence, respite means:

  1. a period marked by distinctive character
  2. a harsh or critical view of a subject
  3. a pause for relaxation
  4. an unbroken period of time

A respite is a break from something that’s difficult or unpleasant. If you’re cramming for exams, take an occasional walk to give yourself a respite from the intensity.

Respite may look like it rhymes with despite, but this word has a stress on its first syllable (RES-pit). It comes from the Latin word respectus, meaning refuge, but we almost always use respite to describe a time, not a place, of relief. If you’ve been fighting with your partner, a visit from a friend might offer a brief respite from the argument, but the fight will pick up again when she leaves.

144 breaking point

breaking point 忍耐限度 人的忍耐是有限度的#英语口语 https://v.douyin.com/JYMgY3J/ 这样就好理解为利润为0的点。

145 ask for

ask for 自找的 陈启宗 https://v.douyin.com/Jj5GtB4/

146 they got back together

They got back together.

他们复合了。 宋慧乔

147 near sighted

I’m near sighted with 3.5 diaopters 学到了,近视度数原来用这个单词#地道英语#保护视力 https://v.douyin.com/JkS2NLh/

148 when a man is sufficiently motivated discipline will take care of itself

When a man is sufficiently motivated, discipline will take care of itself.


149 devotee

Whilst programming, I am a Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY) devotee. https://daranzolin.github.io/2020-09-03-looping-branching-pipes/

devotee 爱好者,信徒

150 don t look back look ahead

分享歌词:Don’t look back, look ahead, 不要回首 打算未来。 -来自Kosling/CHRNS的单曲《In Your Head》https://y.music.163.com/m/song?id=1432936294 ((???))


151 de facto

Although it was originally designed as an adjustable peg, it evolved in its heyday into a de facto fixed-exchange rate regime(???).


152 swift recovery

Jill and I send our thoughts to President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump for a swift recovery. We will continue to pray for the health and safety of the president and his family.


153 dire

Dire : Dire is used to emphasize how serious or terrible a situation or event is.


Noisy, dirty and in dire need of renoviation

154 government tit

I’m living off the government tit. ~ Forrest Gump

tit 指的是乳房,government tit 顾名思义就是政府救济。这是失去双腿的中尉丹说自己是考政府救济过日子,当然说法比较粗野。

155 week after next

week after next


the day after tomorrow -> the week after the next week -> the week after the next one -> week after next

156 a-tight-performance

a tight performance,表扬,紧凑的,很好的。

157 cut-in-front-of-me

  • cut in front of me 插队
  • you were in line (你在)排队

158 courteous-detachment

detachment -> detach -> attach 加上的意思,那么反过来就是脱离的意思

Jem and I found our father satisfactory: he played with us, read to us, and treated us with courteous detachment. (To Kill A Mocking Bird - HARPER LEE)


159 the-noun

We develop the relational topic model (RTM), a model of documents and the links between them. For each pair of documents, the RTM models their link as a binary random variable that is conditioned on their contents[(???).

注意这里的 ‘the’ + ‘RTM’,而非 ‘RTM’ 单独用。

160 have-access-to

the look of a man who might not have access to Air Force One in the future and will have to fly commercial don’t worry Eric, we have \(€ 9.99\) fares next time you’re in Europe

  • have access to 约等于 have right to 有权利做什么。
  • fares 是价格的意思。



161 drop


what’s gonna drop first? Rihanna’s next album or the Nevada vote count


drop 在这里表示结束,比如

  • Rihanna’s next album drops now
  • The Nevada vote count drops now
    • vote count 大选计票

162 with-certainty

 as a lifelong pennsylvanian who has seen multiple heated arguments break out over gas station hoagies can say with certainty that you guys really should not put us in charge of choosing the president


  • with certainty 可以等价于 certainly

163 in-the-hands-of

The fate of the country in the hands of Pennsylvania? Are we sure? Because I went to high school with some of these people and I just don’t know.


the fate of … in the hands of 就是直译的把什么的未来放到谁的手中。

Gillespie, Patrick. 2012. “Pronouncing Sql: S-Q-L or Sequel?” http://patorjk.com/. 2012. http://patorjk.com/blog/2012/01/26/pronouncing-sql-s-q-l-or-sequel/.

Klok, Hayden, and Yoni Nazarathy. 2019. “Statistics with Julia: Fundamentals for Data Science, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence.” Self-Published. 2019. https://people.smp.uq.edu.au/YoniNazarathy/julia-stats/StatisticsWithJulia.pdf.

McCall, Pete. 2018. “9 Things to Know About How the Body Uses Protein to Repair Muscle Tissue.” The American Council on Exercise. 2018. https://www.acefitness.org/education-and-resources/professional/expert-articles/6960/9-things-to-know-about-how-the-body-uses-protein-to-repair-muscle-tissue.

Miller, Matthew. 2016. Lethal Weapon. Good Session; Lin Pictures; Warner Bros. Television. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5164196/.

Smith, Robert, Chris Arnold, Tom Krebs, and Jonathan Delshad. 2016. Bad Form, Wells Fargo. Planet Money. NPR. https://www.npr.org/templates/transcript/transcript.php?storyId=499805238.

Souliotis, Leonidas. 2019. “Optimizing Python Code with Pandas.” DataCamp. 2019. https://www.datacamp.com/courses/optimizing-python-code-with-pandas.

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