1. 使用 RMarkdown 的 child 参数,进行文档拼接。
  2. 这样拼接以后的笔记方便复习。
  3. 相关问题提交到 GitHub

1 介绍

You can use the style argument to choose a template of your choice. Economics and management scholars can thus create tables that resemble those published in the American Economic Review, in the Quarterly Journal of Economics, or in Administrative Science Quarterly. Political scientists can avail themselves of templates based on the American Political Science Review, the American Journal of Political Science, and on International Organization. For sociologists and demographers, the American Sociological Review, the American Sociological Reviews and Demography are available. www.r-bloggers.com

stargazer (占星师) 是一个广泛用于发表的制表软件包。

参考 Torres-Reyna (2014) stargazer 主要美化两方面

  1. 描述性统计展示
  2. 模型展示

并且导出到 Word 文档,方便整合。

2 描述性统计展示

Statistic N Mean St. Dev. Min Pctl(25) Pctl(75) Max
mpg 32 20.091 6.027 10 15.4 22.8 34
cyl 32 6.188 1.786 4 4 8 8
disp 32 230.722 123.939 71 120.8 326 472
hp 32 146.688 68.563 52 96.5 180 335
drat 32 3.597 0.535 2.760 3.080 3.920 4.930
wt 32 3.217 0.978 1.513 2.581 3.610 5.424
qsec 32 17.849 1.787 14.500 16.892 18.900 22.900
vs 32 0.438 0.504 0 0 1 1
am 32 0.406 0.499 0 0 1 1
gear 32 3.688 0.738 3 3 4 5
carb 32 2.812 1.615 1 2 4 8

见展示 Word 文档

Output as html, which produce editable tables for Word documents. (Torres-Reyna 2014)

type = "html"限定导出的 word 文档中表格已经 latex 化。

key mean sd
1 am 0.40625 0.498990917235846
2 carb 2.8125 1.61519997763185
3 cyl 6.1875 1.78592164694654
4 disp 230.721875 123.938693831382
5 drat 3.5965625 0.534678736070971
6 gear 3.6875 0.737804065256947
7 hp 146.6875 68.5628684893206
8 mpg 20.090625 6.0269480520891
9 qsec 17.84875 1.78694323609684
10 vs 0.4375 0.504016128774185
11 wt 3.21725 0.978457442989697

见展示 Word 文档

Descriptive statistics
Statistic N Mean St. Dev. Min Pctl(25) Pctl(75) Max
mpg 32 20.091 6.027 10 15.4 22.8 34
cyl 32 6.188 1.786 4 4 8 8
disp 32 230.722 123.939 71 120.8 326 472
hp 32 146.688 68.563 52 96.5 180 335
drat 32 3.597 0.535 2.760 3.080 3.920 4.930
wt 32 3.217 0.978 1.513 2.581 3.610 5.424
qsec 32 17.849 1.787 14.500 16.892 18.900 22.900
vs 32 0.438 0.504 0 0 1 1
am 32 0.406 0.499 0 0 1 1
gear 32 3.688 0.738 3 3 4 5
carb 32 2.812 1.615 1 2 4 8

见展示 Word 文档

title="Descriptive statistics", digits=3 加入标题和有效数字限制(论文使用3)。

Descriptive statistics
Statistic N Mean St. Dev. Min Pctl(25) Pctl(75) Max
Miles/(US)gallon 32 20.091 6.027 10 15.4 22.8 34
No. of cylinders 32 6.188 1.786 4 4 8 8
Displacement (cu.in.) 32 230.722 123.939 71 120.8 326 472
Gross horsepower 32 146.688 68.563 52 96.5 180 335
Rear axle ratio 32 3.597 0.535 2.760 3.080 3.920 4.930
Weight (lb/1000) 32 3.217 0.978 1.513 2.581 3.610 5.424
1/4 mile time 32 17.849 1.787 14.500 16.892 18.900 22.900
V/S 32 0.438 0.504 0 0 1 1
Transmission (0=auto, 1=manual) 32 0.406 0.499 0 0 1 1
Number of forward gears 32 3.688 0.738 3 3 4 5
Number of carburetors 32 2.812 1.615 1 2 4 8

covariate.labels 加入变量名称(非字母),这样让描述性统计更加直观。

Use the option covariate.labels to replace variable names with variable labels. Must be in same order as in the dataset.

注意变量数和 label 数要保持一致。

3 模型展示

Dependent variable:
Miles/(US) gallon Fast car (=1)
OLS logistic
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Gross horsepower -0.068*** -0.052*** -0.064*** -0.397
(0.010) (0.009) (0.011) (1.358)
Rear axle ratio 4.698*** 3.510* 4.248
(1.192) (1.851) (21.106)
Four foward gears -0.276
Five forward gears 3.761*
Type of transmission (manual=1) 11.743
Constant 30.099*** 10.790** 16.306** 29.882
(1.634) (5.078) (6.429) (85.238)
Observations 32 32 32 32
R2 0.602 0.741 0.782
Adjusted R2 0.589 0.723 0.749
Log Likelihood -1.953
Akaike Inf. Crit. 11.906
Residual Std. Error 3.863 (df = 30) 3.170 (df = 29) 3.017 (df = 27)
F Statistic 45.460*** (df = 1; 30) 41.522*** (df = 2; 29) 24.179*** (df = 4; 27)
Note: p<0.1; p<0.05; p<0.01

设定好 dep.var.labels 因变量名称(非字母),covariate.labels


Torres-Reyna, Oscar. 2014. “Using Stargazer to Report Regression Output and Descriptive Statistics in R: For Non-Latex Users.” Princeton University DSS Lab. 2014. https://www.princeton.edu/~otorres/NiceOutputR.pdf.