
Connect to SQL DataBase in R

参考 Schouwenaars (2016)

todo 如何设置 Impala 的

… you need different packages depending on the database you want to connect to. All of these packages do this in a uniform way, as specified in the DBI package.

# Load the DBI package

# Edit dbConnect() call
con <- dbConnect(RMySQL::MySQL(), 
                 dbname = "tweater", 
                 host = "courses.csrrinzqubik.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com", 
                 port = 3306,
                 user = "student",
                 password = "datacamp")
## [1] "MySQLConnection"
## attr(,"package")
## [1] "RMySQL"
tables <- dbListTables(con)
##  chr [1:3] "comments" "tweats" "users"

Good! dbListTables() can be very useful to get a first idea about the contents of your database.

类似于 str 看下数据表的 column

users <- dbReadTable(con,"users")
##   id      name     login
## 1  1 elisabeth  elismith
## 2  2      mike     mikey
## 3  3      thea   teatime
## 4  4    thomas tomatotom
## 5  5    oliver olivander
## 6  6      kate  katebenn
## 7  7    anjali    lianja


table_list <- lapply(tables,dbReadTable,conn = con, encoding = 'UTF-8')
## [[1]]
##      id tweat_id user_id            message
## 1  1022       87       7              nice!
## 2  1000       77       7             great!
## 3  1011       49       5            love it
## 4  1012       87       1   awesome! thanks!
## 5  1010       88       6              yuck!
## 6  1026       77       4      not my thing!
## 7  1004       49       1  this is fabulous!
## 8  1030       75       6           so easy!
## 9  1025       88       2             oh yes
## 10 1007       49       3           serious?
## 11 1020       77       1 couldn't be better
## 12 1014       77       1       saved my day
## [[2]]
##   id user_id
## 1 75       3
## 2 88       4
## 3 77       6
## 4 87       5
## 5 49       1
## 6 24       7
##                                                                  post
## 1                                       break egg. bake egg. eat egg.
## 2                           wash strawberries. add ice. blend. enjoy.
## 3                       2 slices of bread. add cheese. grill. heaven.
## 4               open and crush avocado. add shrimps. perfect starter.
## 5 nachos. add tomato sauce, minced meat and cheese. oven for 10 mins.
## 6                              just eat an apple. simply and healthy.
##         date
## 1 2015-09-05
## 2 2015-09-14
## 3 2015-09-21
## 4 2015-09-22
## 5 2015-09-22
## 6 2015-09-24
## [[3]]
##   id      name     login
## 1  1 elisabeth  elismith
## 2  2      mike     mikey
## 3  3      thea   teatime
## 4  4    thomas tomatotom
## 5  5    oliver olivander
## 6  6      kate  katebenn
## 7  7    anjali    lianja


  1. tweat表示 tweeter 的一个帖子
    1. tweat_id是一个帖子的 id
    2. 回复 awesome! thanks! 的帖子是tweat_id = 87
  2. 查看第二张表,是user_id = 5发的
  3. 查看第三张表,是name = oliver发的

todo RMarkdown SQL chunk 如何操作。

Schouwenaars, Filip. 2016. “Importing Data in R (Part 2).” 2016. <https://www.datacamp.com/courses/importing-data-in-r-part-2>.