Data report overview

The dataset examined has the following dimensions:

Feature Result
Number of observations 31
Number of variables 3

Checks performed

The following variable checks were performed, depending on the data type of each variable:

  character factor labelled haven labelled numeric integer logical Date
Identify miscoded missing values × × × × × × ×
Identify prefixed and suffixed whitespace × × × ×
Identify levels with < 6 obs. × × × ×
Identify case issues × × × ×
Identify misclassified numeric or integer variables × × × ×
Identify outliers × × ×

Please note that all numerical values in the following have been rounded to 2 decimals.

Summary table

  Variable class # unique values Missing observations Any problems?
Girth numeric 27 0.00 %
Height numeric 21 0.00 %
Volume numeric 30 0.00 % ×

Variable list


Feature Result
Variable type numeric
Number of missing obs. 0 (0 %)
Number of unique values 27
Median 12.9
1st and 3rd quartiles 11.05; 15.25
Min. and max. 8.3; 20.6


Feature Result
Variable type numeric
Number of missing obs. 0 (0 %)
Number of unique values 21
Median 76
1st and 3rd quartiles 72; 80
Min. and max. 63; 87


Feature Result
Variable type numeric
Number of missing obs. 0 (0 %)
Number of unique values 30
Median 24.2
1st and 3rd quartiles 19.4; 37.3
Min. and max. 10.2; 77

  • Note that the following possible outlier values were detected: "10.2", "10.3".

Report generation information:

  • Created by Jiaxiang Li (username: lijiaxiang).

  • Report creation time: 周五 二月 22 2019 13:32:55

  • Report was run from directory: D:/work/tutoring/dataMaid/html-type

  • dataMaid v1.2.0 [Pkg: 2018-10-03 from CRAN (R 3.5.2)]

  • R version 3.5.2 (2018-12-20).

  • Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)(Windows 7 x64 (build 7601) Service Pack 1).

  • Function call: makeDataReport(data = trees, output = "html")