

Jiaxiang Li 2019-03-14

read_lines("L04808.inf", n_max = 6)
## [1] "k\t-48.470881\t32.011461\t95.238590"  
## [2] "i\t-21.382022\t29.339303\t104.449558" 
## [3] "j\t19.595904\t31.194517\t102.236371"  
## [4] "l\t45.550416\t32.628547\t97.349969"   
## [5] "v\t-28.168727\t-40.454120\t110.929256"
## [6] "w\t25.815436\t-41.598142\t108.601852"
read_lines("L04808.vtx", n_max = 6)
## [1] "-7.438540\t-91.531036\t84.705287" "-6.838273\t-91.779326\t84.984915"
## [3] "-4.882652\t-93.316424\t85.449459" "-4.779594\t-93.432092\t85.415700"
## [5] "-4.126869\t-93.563063\t85.388501" "-3.469838\t-93.705728\t85.336970"
vtx <- read_delim("L04808.vtx",delim = '\t',col_names = c('x1','y1','z1'))
## Parsed with column specification:
## cols(
##   x1 = col_double(),
##   y1 = col_double(),
##   z1 = col_double()
## )
inf <- read_delim("L04808.inf",delim = '\t',col_names = c('l','x2','y2','z2'))
## Parsed with column specification:
## cols(
##   l = col_character(),
##   x2 = col_double(),
##   y2 = col_double(),
##   z2 = col_double()
## )
vtx %>% dim
## [1] 32251     3
inf %>% dim
## [1] 17  4


inf %>% mutate(by = 1) %>% 
    full_join(vtx %>% mutate(by = 1) %>% 
                  mutate(vtx_index = row_number())
                  , by = 'by') %>% 
    group_by(l) %>% 
        dist = (x1-x2)^2 + (y1-y2)^2 + (z1-z2)^2
    ) %>% 
        dist == min(dist)
## # A tibble: 17 x 10
## # Groups:   l [17]
##    l           x2     y2    z2    by       x1      y1    z1 vtx_index
##    <chr>    <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl>     <int>
##  1 k     -4.85e+1  32.0   95.2     1 -4.86e+1  32.1    95.3     23786
##  2 i     -2.14e+1  29.3  104.      1 -2.13e+1  29.9   104.      23814
##  3 j      1.96e+1  31.2  102.      1  1.94e+1  31.7   103.      23860
##  4 l      4.56e+1  32.6   97.3     1  4.52e+1  32.3    97.7     23889
##  5 v     -2.82e+1 -40.5  111.      1 -2.83e+1 -40.1   111.      10292
##  6 w      2.58e+1 -41.6  109.      1  2.60e+1 -42.1   109.      10349
##  7 o      0.        0    140       1  5.77e-2  -0.832 140.      17346
##  8 p     -1.42e-3  38.6  113.      1  9.09e-3  38.0   113.      24265
##  9 m     -1.90e+1  -7.42 116.      1 -1.91e+1  -7.43  116.      16834
## 10 n      2.00e+1  -7.76 114.      1  1.99e+1  -7.78  114.      16879
## 11 r     -1.00e+0 -39.4  126.      1 -8.56e-1 -39.3   126.      10823
## 12 s      4.14e-1 -35.2  130.      1  9.09e-1 -35.3   130.      12597
## 13 t      7.99e-1 -46.3  127.      1  3.03e-1 -46.6   127.       9073
## 14 q     -1.06e-3 -14.6  126.      1  3.82e-2 -14.3   127.      15373
## 15 z     -1.00e+0 -82.6  116.      1 -7.60e-1 -82.2   117.       3206
## 16 x     -7.33e+1 -26.1   35.9     1 -7.34e+1 -25.9    36.1     15000
## 17 y      6.28e+1 -30.9   30.1     1  6.27e+1 -31.0    30.3     15496
## # ... with 1 more variable: dist <dbl>

如果运算量大,运算速度慢,可以采用下面的方法。 round 图片加速运算。

## Attaching package: 'magrittr'

## The following object is masked from 'package:purrr':
##     set_names

## The following object is masked from 'package:tidyr':
##     extract
## Attaching package: 'wrapr'

## The following object is masked from 'package:dplyr':
##     coalesce

## The following object is masked from 'package:tibble':
##     view
# vtx
vtx %>% round(-1) %>% distinct() -> vtx_n1;dim(vtx_n1)
## [1] 707   3
vtx %>% round( 0) %>% distinct() -> vtx_00;dim(vtx_00)
## [1] 29632     3
vtx %>% round( 1) %>% distinct() -> vtx_01;dim(vtx_01)
## [1] 32235     3
vtx %>% round( 2) %>% distinct() -> vtx_02;dim(vtx_02)
## [1] 32240     3
vtx %>% round( 3) %>% distinct() -> vtx_03;dim(vtx_03)
## [1] 32240     3

然后按照round后的图片,先找 local 最优,再调试。