


campaign 英[ kæmˈpeɪn ] 美[ kæmˈpeɪn ] ~ fanyi.youdao.com

  1. Campaign 战役,运动,活动
  2. Balkans Campaign 巴尔干战役
  3. The Campaign 官贱对决,政坛混战,片

campaign 英[ kæmˈpeɪn ] 美[ kæmˈpen ] ~ iciba.com

  1. The campaign consists of two main parts, there is a television commercial and a print campaign. 此次告白运动包含两个主体部门: 电视机告白和印刷告白.
  2. Supplement Courtesy Campaign with a Finesse Campaign. 把礼貌运动进一步提升为“注重修养”的运动.
  3. Despite billboards and campaign posters, the election campaign has been very low - key. 虽然运用了公告排和竞选布告栏等方式, 选举过程还是不十分引人注意.
  4. Gender separation seen in the campaign roles also plays out on the campaign trail. 在竞选中,各个候选人对于性别分野的看法也各不相同.
  5. Campaign evaluation: a judgment of how well the campaign had worked towards your goal. 评价: 评价某广告战役在促进实现你的市场目标的效应如何.


permit 英[ pəˈmɪt ] 美[ pərˈmɪt ] ~ fanyi.youdao.com

  1. Permit 许可证,允许,许可
  2. work permit 工作许可证,工作许可,工作证
  3. shipping permit 准装货单,准运单,准许装货单

permit 英[ pəˈmɪt ] 美[ pərˈmɪt ] ~ iciba.com

  1. Conduct work permit, foreign expert certificate, Z visa, residence permit applications for foreig n staff. 为外籍员工办理工作许可 、 外国专家证 、 Z签证 、 居留许可.
  2. What are the differences between residence permit and temporary residence permit for foreign expe rts? 外国专家的居留证和临时居留证有什么区别?
  3. Scope: Permit the scope of transit goods . Permit the scopetransit goods. 经营范围: 许可证范围内货物中转.
  4. The Employment License, Working Visa note, Permit and Residential Permit. 就业许可证, 工作签证的说明, 就业证和住宅许可证.
  5. The Permit Holder shall ensure full compliance with all conditions of this Environmental Permit. 许可证持有人必须确保完全符合本环境许可证的全部条件.

rental point

You could use the RENTAL POINT to rent cameras, lenses, tripods, flashes, bags and accessories from participating exhibitors and try out the devices at … (www.photokina.com)


relieve 英[ rɪˈli:v ] 美[ rɪˈliv ] ~ iciba.com

  1. I mean it will only relieve your pain. 我的意思是这药只会减轻你的痛苦.

  2. The engine is letting off steam to relieve the pressure in the boiler. 机车在放蒸汽,以减少锅炉的气压.

  3. After this minor surgery, you may have mild pain; over - the - counter medicines can usually reli eve it. 或者在术后可能会感觉到轻微的疼痛, 这时候可以服用一些非处方药来止痛.

  4. Some traditional Chinese medicines, such as Pinellia syrup, can help to relieve cough and asthma.


  5. Painkilling drugs were not enough to relieve her suffering. 止痛药不能缓解她的痛苦.

relieve 英[ rɪˈliːv ] 美[ rɪˈliːv ] ~ fanyi.youdao.com

  1. relieve 减轻,缓解,救济
  2. Stress relieve 应力消除,缓解压力,强调减轻
  3. Relieve pain 镇痛,缓解疼痛,止痛